On 9 January 2018 the kick off meeting of the MAKSWELL project was held in Rome, at Istat premises.
The event officially launched the activities of the 30-month co-ordination action MAKSWELL (11/2017-04/2020), funded by the European Commission – DG Research and Innovation within the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, coordinated by Istat with the partnership of other three NSIs (CBS, Destatis and HCSO), three Universities (University of Trier, University of Southampton and UNIPI) and a non-profit entity focused on public management and organisation (Consorzio MIPA).
Opened by the welcome address of Istat President, Giorgio Alleva, the meeting focused on the project’s specific objective that is to harmonise and extend, also including new data sources, the indicators able to capture the main characteristics of the beyond-GDP approach proposing a new framework that includes them in the evaluation of the public policies. The dialogue with Europe was assured by the presence of Mr Martin Karlberg from Eurostat which stimulated the debate on relevant issues about the project. It was also given voice to representatives of best practices from CBS and Istat to foster the debate on new data sources for official statistics and different experiences at international and national level on main insights for policy use of wellbeing and sustainability
To learn more about the Kick-off Meeting in Rome, click here.