About Makswell
MAKSWELL project proposes to extend and harmonise the indicators able to capture the main characteristics of the beyond-GDP approach proposing a new framework that includes them in the evaluation of the public policies. The main goals of the project can be summarized in the following four objectives:
Building up a database for a wide set of EU countries that selects and harmonizes the national framework on well-being as well as the available SDG indicators. Attention will be paid to the micro-macro approach derived inside the national account framework and to the opportunities for extending the SNA beyond GDP;
Improving the database both in relation to the timeliness and to the integration with big data measures and the methodologies able to reach these extensions;
Extending the geographical dimension especially focusing on the possible estimates of people vulnerability either looking at the measurement of poverty and inequality or to the measurement of regional inflation;
Using the extended database for policy evaluation at macro level and for building up two comprehensive pilot studies for Italy and Hungary.

Work Package 1
Analysis of existing frameworks
Work Package 2
Extended set of information
Work Package 3
Regional poverty measurement
Work Package 4
Time series and multivariate analysis
Work Package 5
Pilot study
Work Package 6
Dissemination & Communication
Work Package 7
Coordination & Management
Work Package 8
Ethics requirements
Project sheet
Project Acronym: MAKSWELL
Project Title: MAKing Sustainable development and WELL-being frameworks work for policy
Project Number: G.A. no. 770643
Duration: 1 November 2017 – 31 October 2020
EU Financial Contribution: EUR 934,297.5
Funding Scheme: European Commission, Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme - Coordination and Support Actions
Duration: 1 November 2017 – 31 October 2020
EU Financial Contribution: EUR 934,297.5
Funding Scheme: European Commission, Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme - Coordination and Support Actions
Call: H2020- SC6-CO-CREATION-2017
Activity: CO-CREATION-O7-2017
Project Officer:
Former : Marianne PAASI,
Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
European Commission
Current: Dr. David FERRONI,
Policy & project adviser
- Economic growth, GDP & beyond, well-being
- Industry 4.0, digitization, artificial intelligence
European Commission
Scientific Coordinator: Fabio Bacchini, Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics)
Project Officer:
Former : Marianne PAASI,
Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
European Commission
Current: Dr. David FERRONI,
Policy & project adviser
- Economic growth, GDP & beyond, well-being
- Industry 4.0, digitization, artificial intelligence
European Commission
Scientific Coordinator: Fabio Bacchini, Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics)
Project Manager: Maria Grazia Calza, Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics)
Project e-mail: rd-projects@istat.it